============ Installation ============ This document explain how to install Gerbi CMS into an existing Django project. This document assume that you already know how to setup a Django project. If you have any problem installing this CMS, take a look at the example application that stands in the example directory. This application works out of the box and will certainly help you to get started. .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 Evaluate quickly the application ================================= Copy and paste this command in your virtual environnement and you should get a running cms instance:: $ pip install django-page-cms[full]; gerbi --create mywebsite Then visit Or use docker:: $ docker-compose up $ docker exec -it django-page-cms_web_1 python example/manage.py createsuperuser $ docker exec -it django-page-cms_web_1 python example/manage.py pages_demo Install dependencies by using pip ================================== The pip install is the easiest and the recommended installation method. Use:: $ pip install django-page-cms[full] Add django-page-cms into your INSTALLED_APPS ================================================== To activate django-page-cms you will need to add those application:: INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'mptt', 'pages', ... ) Urls ==== Take a look in the ``example/urls.py`` and copy desired URLs in your own ``urls.py``. Basically you need to have something like this:: urlpatterns = patterns('', ... url(r'^pages/', include('pages.urls')), (r'^admin/', admin.site.urls), ) When you will visit the site the first time (``/pages/``), you will get a 404 error because there is no published page. Go to the admin first and create and publish some pages. Settings ======== All the Gerbi CMS specific settings and options are listed and explained in the ``pages/settings.py`` file. Gerbi CMS require several of these settings to be set. They are marked in this document with a bold "*must*". .. note:: If you want a complete list of the available settings for this CMS visit :doc:`the list of all available settings `. Default template ---------------- You *must* set ``PAGE_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE`` to the path of your default CMS template:: PAGE_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE = 'pages/index.html' This template must exist somewhere in your project. If you want you can copy the example templates from the directory ``pages/templates/pages/examples/`` into the directory ``page`` of your root template directory. Additional templates -------------------- Optionally you can set ``PAGE_TEMPLATES`` if you want additional templates choices. In the the example application you have actually this:: PAGE_TEMPLATES = ( ('pages/nice.html', 'nice one'), ('pages/cool.html', 'cool one'), ) Media directory --------------- The django CMS come with some javascript and CSS files. These files are standing in the ``pages/static/pages`` directory:: $ python manage.py collecstatic pages And the cms media files will be copied in your project's media directory. Languages --------- Please first read how django handle languages * http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/settings/#languages * http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/settings/#language-code This CMS use the ``PAGE_LANGUAGES`` setting in order to present which language are supported by the CMS. Django itself use the ``LANGUAGES`` setting to set the ``request.LANGUAGE_CODE`` value that is used by this CMS. So if the language you want to support is not present in the ``LANGUAGES`` setting the ``request.LANGUAGE_CODE`` will not be set correctly. A possible solution is to redefine ``settings.LANGUAGES``. For example you can do:: # Default language code for this installation. All choices can be found here: # http://www.i18nguy.com/unicode/language-identifiers.html LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en' # This is defined here as a do-nothing function because we can't import # django.utils.translation -- that module depends on the settings. gettext_noop = lambda s: s # here is all the languages supported by the CMS PAGE_LANGUAGES = ( ('de', gettext_noop('German')), ('fr', gettext_noop('Français')), ('en', gettext_noop('US English')), ) # copy PAGE_LANGUAGES languages = list(PAGE_LANGUAGES) # redefine the LANGUAGES setting in order to be sure to have the correct request.LANGUAGE_CODE LANGUAGES = languages Template context processors and Middlewares ------------------------------------------- You *must* have this context processors into your ``TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS`` setting:: TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( ... 'pages.context_processors.media', ... ) Caching ------- Gerbi CMS use the caching framework quite intensively. You should definitely setting-up a cache-backend_ to have decent performance. .. _cache-backend: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/cache/#setting-up-the-cache If you want to setup a specific cache for Gerbi CMS instead of using the default you can do it by setting up the 'pages' cache entry:: CACHES = { 'default': ... 'pages': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache', 'LOCATION': '', } } .. note:: The cache has been designed with memcache in mind: a single point of truth for cache. The CMS invalidates the cache actively when changes are made. That means that you need a central cache if you run this CMS in serveral processes otherwise the caches will become inconsitent. The sites framework ------------------- If you want to use the `Django sites framework `_ with Gerbi CMS, you *must* define the ``SITE_ID`` and ``PAGE_USE_SITE_ID`` settings and create the appropriate Site object into the admin interface:: PAGE_USE_SITE_ID = True SITE_ID = 1 The Site object should have the domain that match your actual domain (ie: Tagging ------- Tagging is optional and disabled by default. If you want to use it set ``PAGE_TAGGING`` at ``True`` into your setting file and add it to your installed apps:: INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'taggit', ... )